Pleasant Run United Church of Christ
Tuesday, February 18, 2025

About Us

We are a loving, caring, and sharing community that knows and shares God’s love. Having been called to be the body of Christ, we are committed to helping our neighbors both near and far. Relying on the Holy Spirit, we seek to bring all people into a closer relationship with Christ through our worship, our study of God’s Word, and our actions.
I personally invite you to join our church family. You will hear the Word of God preached, provided with opportunities to grow spiritually, and be equipped for works of service. Pleasant Run places an emphasis on building close relationships while doing ministry with Christ in the world. Knowing that God gives each of us unique gifts and talents, there are a variety of ministries from which to choose allowing one’s personal passion to be inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Our rich history of tradition, generosity, and hospitality has defined us as a loving and welcoming church which reaches out to those in need. We acknowledge this was and is possible only through God’s faithfulness and providential plan for us. Therefore, God deserves and is given all the glory and praise.
We gather on Sunday mornings for Sunday school hour, which includes classes for all ages followed by a traditional worship service. To develop spiritually and to pursue a greater understanding of God’s Word.
If you are looking for a faith community where you can become an integral part of a loving family who serves God through Jesus Christ, come join us.
Blessings in Christ,