Pleasant Run United Church of Christ
Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Make a Donation

If you would like to make a donation to Pleasant Run UCC, you can do so by downloading the Givelify app on your Android, iPhone, Tablet, or computer.
Simply click on one of the logos shown below or go to your app store.
Search for: "Pleasant Run United Church of Christ" (59 E Pleasant Run Parkway South Drive Indianapolis, IN 46225) and click on "Give To." Click on the "Tithe & Offering" tab and choose the amount of your donation and pick the fund or offering for your donation. Click on the "Give Now" tab. First time users: You will be asked to set up your personal account.
We'll keep track of your contributions and report them on your giving statement.
 Please Note: Givelify fees will be applied against your donation @ 2.9% +$0.30 per donation.
(Example 1: $100.00 donation = $96.80 contribution to Pleasant Run)
(Example 2: $103.30 donation = $100.00 contribution to Pleasant Run)
Thank you for your generosity!